Happy 50th Anniversary, Mickey and Joe!

From Charlotte and Smoot, June 22, 2007









Here are some photos of fun times we've had together. We met you in 1973 when we came to St. Michael's Episcopal Church in Westlake Hills to get married. Wish we had photos from the joint 40th birthday party at the Dales in 1975 honoring Mickey, Nell and Sally. It was quite a bash!


We were in the choir together. On June 17, 1984, we presented Vivaldi's Gloria. The choir members are, front row: ?, Nancy Yahn, Babara Amaral, Barbara Longacre, Glenn Tims, Mary Parse, Nancy Mann; middle row: Jim Bitner, Mickey Moldenhauer, Michael Floyd, April Floyd, Charlotte Carl-Mitchell (with what looks like an afro!), covered up but maybe Nell Dale, Fran Johnson; back row: Terry Barnes, ?, Klaus Bichteler, Bill Yahn, Allan Longacre, Joe Moldenhauer and Dick Tims. Pianist, Noel Alford.


In 1988, we produced SMIFL (St. Mitchael's is for Lovers), a Valentine's Day fundraiser

The men did a medley from My Fair Lady.


More 1988 SMIFL


St. M Oldtimers Party in 1989.


Christmas 1989


Robby Vickery came to St. M in 1990.


Stuart Kershner had been very ill and unable to take part in choir activities so we visited him and Ruth on their anniversary to let him know we hadn't forgotten him.

Ruth appreciated our visit, above with Mickey and Ron Vasey. Sadly, Stuart died on October 31, 1990.


Pentecost 1991

The photo for the church directory in1993


In September 1993, we had a ministries fair on St. Michael's Day and got to again wear our colorful t-shirts and show how much fun it was being in the choir. Fran was still directing at the Presbyterian Church and Smoot hadn't joined the choir. That's why they're out of uniform.


Frank Doremus and Mickey looking serious at the St. M Oldtimers Party in 1993.


Frank and Betty Doremus' 50th anniversary party at the seminary in 1994.


A gathering of former St. M senior wardens in 1994.

Ten years after performing it, the choir again sang Vivaldi's Gloria on April 17, 1994.



Mickey's birthday party in 1995.


In September 1995 we celebrated Jency's birthday with our usual silliness.


In October 1995, the Yahns hosted a wedding shower for Angela and Ron.


On Easter 1996, you helped present Leonard a beautifully calligraphed thank you created by Elizabeth Turner in honor of his music ministry.


In August 1996, we had a choir party at the Baldwins.


On March 28, 1997 (Good Friday) we celebrated Barbara Longacre's 60th birthday.


A cute photo of you taken for the St M Picture Board in 1997.


In June 1998, we celebrated Angela's and Smoot's shared birthdays.


On July 11, 1998, we had dinner with the Longacres. If memory serves, they were house-sitting for their daughter, Kate and wanted to show off her lovely home.


On November 11, 1998, Allan's birthday, we had a choir party at church


On March 2, 1999 we had another party at church. We'd use any excuse to party!


Pentecost, May 23, 1999


On September 18, 1999, we celebrated Jency's birthday at the Carl-Mitchell cabin with Ashley James, Jency's niece.




On August 12, 2000, there was a joint 50th birthday party at the cabin for Smoot, Charlotte, Jency and April. Smoot and I had moved to Scottsdale, Arizona in March 2000 but we came back to celebrate.

In October 2000, we came back to Austin and did our usual thing, eat with friends.


On that same trip, on October 28, 2000, we all attended Betsy Yahn's wedding and had a great time.




In November 2001, we gathered at the Longacres to celebrate Leonard's birthday.


We were back in Austin in December 2002 and got to see you and Little Guy, your amazing cat.



In April 2003, Smoot and I came into Austin so he could attend a meeting. That left me free to go to Frank Doremus' funeral that was held at St. Michael's on April 12. Lots of old St M folk were there including Frank and Betty's four daughters.


On  August 26, 2005, the Longacres threw me a birthday party. Old friends got together again.



On January 1, 2006, you visited with us in Arizona.


You have been special friends for a long time. We wish we could see you more often, but at this special anniversary, it's fun to look back at the many good times we've shared. We look forward to even more in the future!